Beck Technology Donates to The Royal Family Kids of Lancaster County

“Future people count, there could be a lot of them, and we can make their lives go better."-William MacAskill  

What we do here at Beck Technology might seem small in the larger scheme of things, yet every little thing we (all) do adds up to the greater whole. 

It might seem unconnected but when you put the pieces together, preconstruction is the foundation that creates a better world. 

Beck Technology makes a tool that creates better construction estimates and that saves estimators a lot of precious time. Those better estimates lead to better buildings that contribute to the quality of life of the people who work, live, and use those buildings. The time that estimators save lends itself to a higher quality of life for that estimator.  

As a company whose mission is to revolutionize the industry and create the future, we can’t do that in a bubble. In fact, one of our software’s most game-changing benefits is how much it increases collaboration between teams, owners, architects, and stakeholders. We want to do as much as we can to help create that future and not just through technology. That is why we created the Beck Tech Cares program. This program allows Beck Technology employees to support charitable organizations that also help make the world a better place.  

Every month, a Beck Tech team member is nominated to choose a cause they are passionate about to which the organization receives a donation from the company. The way the employee is nominated is through a virtual high-five system. This system allows us to recognize coworkers who go above and beyond their regular tasks to help other team members. We don’t just count the number of high fives someone is given, but we also consider who is giving out high fives. At the end of each month, we meet to read out all the high-fives and announce who “won” that month’s Beck Tech Cares. 

This month’s nominee was Jan Beran, Senior Implementation Specialist, who has been with Beck Technology since October 2022 and has already proven to be invaluable when contributing and helping others inside and outside of his department. Jan chose Royal Family Kids of Lancaster County, (Lancaster County, Nebraska) a local chapter of the non-profit For The Children (Royal Family Kids) organization to receive his donation. 

MultiColor1 RFKLancaster Logo

The Royal Family Kids of Lancaster County provides a 5-day summer camp for foster kids who have been abused and neglected.  

Jan says:  

Royal Family Kids of Lancaster County – It’s a local chapter of a national effort (Royal Family Kids) that I have served with since 2010. We serve children ages 6-12 who are or were in the foster care system. We offer a week-long overnight summer camp and mentor club program during the school year. Outside of leading my family, it’s the most important/rewarding work I do. These kids have been through hell, and we are sometimes the ONLY consistent adult presence in their lives for years. I can’t speak enough about how much these kids matter. 

The organization’s website reads: "Royal Family Kids (RFK) transforms communities by interrupting cycles of neglect, abuse, and abandonment of children in the foster care system. We fulfill our mission by providing an array of programs, all directed toward changing the trajectory of young lives which usually include a combination of academic failure, drug abuse, teen pregnancy, sex trafficking, homelessness, and incarceration."

The first Royal Family Kids summer camp was held in 1985 in Costa Mesa, California for 37 kids who were in foster care. Partnering with local churches across the country, Royal Family Kids grew to serve 50,000 kids by 2010. In 2018, there were 242 camps in 43 states and in 6 countries. In 2008, the organization added a mentoring program. 

For The Children’s website reads: 

Research shows even one school year of commitment makes a difference—and children from the most difficult situations benefit the most from mentoring. Mentoring matters — research shows that students who are in mentoring programs are: 

  • 59% more likely to earn better grades 
  • 52% less likely to skip school 
  • 81% more likely to participate in extracurricular activities 
  • 90% more likely to volunteer in their own communities 
  • 130% more likely to hold leadership positions

To learn more about how you can support For the Children, click here: Ways to Give. 

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