Beck Technology Donates to Prison Entrepreneurship Program (PEP)

Passion, innovation, and caring are what drives us at Beck Technology. Not only are we passionate about creating innovative solutions for preconstruction teams, but we also passionately care about our clients, community, industry, and employees. We strive to demonstrate our motivations at work and outside of work. We are dedicated to making the world of construction and the larger world around us a better place.

A large part of what we do is taking care of our customers and ensuring our product meets the highest of standards; however, our team is also creating, innovating, and helping behind the scenes regularly. There is a lot of what we do you never see.

A case in point is our “high five” system. Through a project management tool, team members are encouraged and willingly give each other virtual shout-outs to recognize and thank coworkers anytime they demonstrate Beck Technology’s core values of passion, innovation, and caring. These recognitions range from “thanks for lending an ear when I was going through a rough patch” to “thanks for pulling long hours to help me finish up that challenging project.” No recognition is too small or too big to give a coworker a “high five.” A little appreciation goes a long way and these small gestures encourage us to strive to be the best Beck Technology team members and humans we can be.

At the end of every month, we tally up all the “high fives” and meet for lunch to show our gratitude for each other. Each month, one person is picked to choose which organization or charity Beck Technology will donate to.

Our Head of Technical support Mo Black was the lucky nominee for May. Mo chose the Prison Entrepreneurship Program (PEP) in Texas to help those just released from prison to get back on their feet.

Representative of non-profit organization Prison Entrepreneurship Program speaking with an inmate PEP is an empowering rehabilitative program for ex-offenders.

Through mentorship and entrepreneurship, PEP helps those transitioning out of prison to find purpose. Once selected for the program, men are transferred to either the Estes Unit near Dallas or the Cleveland Correctional Facility near Houston where they begin a three-month in-prison education and leadership academy. They are taught PEP’s ten core values: integrity, accountability, wise stewardship, love, fun, fresh start outlook, servant-leader mentality, innovation, execution, and excellence. From there, PEP members join a six-month business education unit. Upon completion, each member is awarded a Certificate of Entrepreneurship from Baylor University Hankamer School of Business.

PEP also provides housing and continued post-release services like transportation, counseling, social events, and emergency financial assistance. PEP writes, “The goal is to provide participants with a comprehensive solution to re-entry in a structured environment of accountability. Once they are released from prison, these men are left with no excuse to return to a life of crime.”

PEP was established in 2004 and is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

Donate money or your time to Prison Entrepreneurship Program.

To read more about the Beck Tech Cares initiative, read the following posts:

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