Construction Estimating Templates in DESTINI Estimator

One of DESTINI Estimator estimating software’s most time-saving features is Templates. Templates hold your historical cost data in them and are a starting point for every new estimate. Because they have your data built in them, you never have to start from zero when creating a new estimate.

Because you can build Templates of similar project types, you can quickly provide an accurate conceptual estimate with defendable numbers in it. Because Templates hold all the line items associated with like projects, you decrease the risk of missing line items and any estimator at any level can confidently create a conceptual estimate by using Templates.

Most DESTINI Estimator users build 5 to 7 estimate Templates a year based on similar project scopes. You can build your Templates as high-level or as complex as you need them to be. As part of your implementation of DESTINI Estimator, our Services team will help you begin building your Templates.

For a detailed look at how the conceptual estimate Templates work in DESTINI Estimator, watch this how-to video. 

In the following video, Beck Technology demonstrates how the Templates feature helps you put together an accurate conceptual estimate.

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