Togal Automated Quantity Takeoff in DESTINI Estimator

DESTINI Estimator construction estimating software integrates with Togal.AI takeoff software. Togal uses machine learning to automate your takeoff workflow.  

Estimators who use Togal significantly save time by eliminating the amount of clicks it takes to perform takeoff. 

How Does Togal.AI Work in DESTINI Estimator?  

In DESTINI Estimator, you will load in your PDF drawing, set the scale, and activate the Togal integration. The PDF is sent from DESTINI Estimator to Togal’s AI engine. Togal.AI analyzes the PDFs and identifies the various elements present on the floorplan (rooms, walls, counts of objects, etc.). 

Togal.AI analyzes each page and sends the data back to DESTINI Estimator where it is generated on the drawings as physical takeoff (lines, areas, counts.) Once the takeoff populates, you can then select pieces of takeoff and tie them to line items from your cost database.  

To tie Togal-generated takeoff to a line item, select the desired takeoff object and line items. Then, drag the appropriate takeoff value into the quantity field of the line item. Hitting the “Add to Estimate” button will add the new line item to your estimate with the associated quantity. The filter tree can organize the components by name and identify those which have already been tied to cost.  

Togal.AI cuts the time it takes to perform takeoff by 80 percent. Takeoff is complete in about 60 seconds within 98 percent accuracy.  

Ted Zimmerhanzel, Vice President of Preconstruction at Guido Construction says, “I believe Togal is one of the best new tools for an estimator. It ramps up production of our staff by more than double. No more mindlessly clicking on line after line or count after count. With the click of a button, takeoffs are complete enabling the estimator to focus on the strategy behind the numbers.” 

If you are tired of manual takeoff and are intrigued about what Togal and DESTINI can do for your team, click the button below to schedule your demo today!  

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