Preconstruction Technology Updates

Working From Home Tips: Creating a Daily Routine

Written by beckadmin | Mar 31, 2020 1:32:29 PM

For some, this is a first. The first time you are working from home for an extended period of time. Adjusting to the change takes some time, requires some grace, and demands a huge dose of embracing change. A big help in adjusting to WFH status is having a daily routine. Below are some tips on creating and sticking to a daily routine.


Wake up the same time every day for work.

Whether you get up early or get up late, make it consistent. The consistency will create an internal clock that tells your brain it is time to work. It also helps you adjust between “work time” and “home time”.

Get ready for work.

Some people may find that getting a workout in before work gets them ready for their day. Others may like drinking a cup of coffee, firing up the computer, start working, then take a break later to have breakfast with the family is the path for them. Whatever makes you the most productive and happy employee do it!

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Dress for success.

Video conferencing is a great way to connect with customers and co-workers. Be sure you dress appropriately for the role you are in as well as represent the company well. You may not need to put on a suit and tie but you should look presentable. Changing out of clothes you may wear on the weekends or with friends into work attire will visually give your brain (and household members) the signal that you are headed to work.

Take a lunch break.

It is easy to keep working through breaks when working from home. There may be times where it is necessary to do so but don’t make it a habit. Having an extended break during the day helps recharge you and keeps your innovative/creative energy up. Step away from your work screen and phone to have a meal with the family, go for a walk, make a healthy lunch, watch another episode of “Tiger King” on Netflix, etc.

Plan your day.

To help keep track of what needs to get done, you may find writing out a “to do” list is helpful. Some people will use their work calendar to create chunks of time to focus on tasks and projects. You may also find it helpful to have a quitting time as part of your daily plan. If you plan to turn off your computer at 5:30 pm stick to your plan. If you are on a team, let them know in the morning when you are planning to sign off later that day.

Give yourself (and co-workers) some grace.

“The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” Some days working from home just doesn’t go as planned. If the kids are home and just ate a bunch of candy, your computer crashes and your work didn’t save, the customer calls right when you were going to sign out … I GET IT! The only advice I can give is to be flexible and do your best. Sometimes things go awry. At Beck Technology you work with some really great folks. Lean on them for help. Let your manager know what hurdles you are facing so they can manage expectations and resources. Do not beat yourself up. Give yourself and your co-workers some grace when wrenches get thrown into good plans.

Working from home takes some adjusting. Be patient with yourself and others as we all figure out what our individual daily routines should be. You may discover a new daily routine that you’ll want to carry over into working from the office.